School Governance
WHGGS has an elected committee responsible for the administration and running of the school. It meets regularly to discuss matters concerning the school and to make decisions about staffing, finance and curriculum. It liaises closely with WHG. Elections do take place at the AGM but the committee is elected for a three year period.
The committee is made up of parents. Any parent or guardian with a child at this school is eligible to be on the committee which is elected at the Annual General Meeting. Additional support to the Committee is provided by volunteers.
The Committee members are all volunteers and do not receive any remuneration from school funds for the work they perform during the academic year.
- Their roles and duties involve ensuring the school runs effectively and proficiently on Saturdays.
- Ensuring that the school’s Teacher/Pupil development strategy is in line with changes in the Pearson/Edexcel Examining Board Gujarati syllabus or any other relevant teaching practices.
- Training and developing its teachers so that they can deliver the curriculum.
- Reporting and liaising with Watford Hindu Group and relevant external bodies.
- Reporting progress to Watford Hindu Group and parents annually at the AGM.
If anyone wishes to be considered for committee member or volunteer please contact an existing member.